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The life cycle of the termite begins with a mating flight, wherein swarming winged reproductive males and females leave established colonies and procreate. After fertilization, winged termites land and shed their wings, going on to form new colonies. These insects then become the king or queen termites of their newly established colonies. The queen and king termites are at the center of the termite life cycle and are responsible for reproduction.
After the fertilized queen lays her eggs, they hatch into pale white larvae. Over the course of several molts, these larvae grow to assume a role in one of the three termite colony castes: workers, soldiers and reproductive termites, also known as slates.
Each caste has a distinctly different physical appearance. Workers are responsible for constructing tunnels and chambers as well as feeding and grooming other termite castes. Soldier termites are yellow-brown in color, with dramatically enlarged heads and often large mandibles. These are useful in combat but render warriors incapable of feeding themselves. The reproductive slates are darker in color and are born with two pairs of wings.
Although it is not clear how larvae are relegated to a certain caste, some research has indicated that maturity and the overall needs of the colony may dictate caste assignment. In fact, research has indicated that castes in the termite life cycle are not rigidly set, as termites belonging to one caste may develop into another caste if the colony requires it. Thus, a soldier termite may become a worker or a reproductive termite if the colony experiences a shortage of one or the other.
Workers and soldiers live approximately one to two years. Queen termites may survive for over a decade under optimal climate conditions.
Termites undergo several life cycle phases, which begin with a fertilized female laying eggs. Termite eggs resemble caviar but are much smaller: they are small, white, translucent and ovoid in shape. A new queen’s first clutch will contain approximately two dozen eggs. Termite queens can lay eggs throughout their incredibly long life spans.
Termite eggs are large enough to be visible to the naked eye. However, they are laid in sheltered locations such as wall interiors or underground nests and are rarely seen by humans. Although eggs are the first stage of the termite life cycle and are important to the colony, the presence of termite eggs is not used as an indicator of infestation. Rather, the presence of adult, winged termites, as well as mud tunnels or piles of sawdust, are typically the first signs noticed by humans.
While adult reproductive termites are not usually responsible for structural damage, it is essential that the worker termites be exterminated to eliminate an entire infestation. Termites follow the typical life cycle of insects that have a gradual life cycle: they begin as eggs, and then enter nymphal to adult stages. In termite development, newly hatched termites are sometimes referred to as “larvae,” which is not to be confused with the larvae of complete metamorphosis insects like flies.
Termite larvae typically hatch within a few weeks. They are approximately the same size as the eggs from which they hatched and are immediately tended to by worker termites. They often comprise a large part of a termite colony.
Similar to other insect young, termite larvae go through a series of molts, during which they shed their skins. From the larval stage, termite larvae may evolve into other members of the colony’s castes.
If you suspect you have termite activity in or near your home, contact a pest control professional. Termite damage can go undetected and result in significant financial loss from their damage. A termite inspector can inspect a home for signs of activity and conditions that are attractive to termites. They also can offer services to treat and protect the home from potential future damage.
Spring is the main swarming season for many subterranean termites. There are several subterranean termite species, and they don’t all swarm at the same time. (On the other hand, dampwood and drywood termites typically swarm in the summer.) Species generally swarm based on favorable weather conditions.
Varying conditions may mean that swarms will occur at different times. For example, some species prefer more moisture than others. Separation in swarm timing may be a matter of a few weeks, or time of day. Swarming also is linked to age and maturity of the colony. While there isn’t a distinct age, most native subterranean termite colonies will not produce a swarm unless the colony is at least three to four years old.
Homeowners often first become aware of termite infestation due to the presence of flying termites. While flying termites closely resemble winged ants, there are clear differences in their appearance. Ants have a constricted waist, while termites have a more straight-sided waist. Termites also have four wings of equal size. Ant antennae bend at 90-degree angles, while the antennae of the termite are straight.
Flying termites are visible when their colony swarms. Swarms are provoked by heavy rainfall and warm, humid temperatures among other triggers. Swarms occur when established colonies produce winged male and female termites in order to reproduce. After these mating flights, fertilized termites shed their wings and go on to establish new colonies. Termites seen flying in a home are indicative of a mature colony. Homeowners should contact their local professional pest control expert to learn about extermination solutions for their home.
Termites are social insects. These insects live in colonies governed by a caste systems. All three castes differ dramatically in appearance and responsibilities.
Worker termites are the most numerous and most destructive members. They can be found infesting walls or floor joists of a home. They are white in appearance and navigate with their antennae rather than their eyes: worker termites are blind. This caste of termites is responsible for bringing food back to the colony, caring for the other castes and constructing the galleries and tunnels that form the physical colony. Subterranean worker termites use a mixture of mud, saliva and feces to create mud tunnels to and from sources of food.
Soldier termites are pale yellow-brown in color and have enlarged heads and mandibles. The soldier caste’s enlarged jaws prevent them from feeding themselves, and they rely upon workers to assist them in this task. The sole function of the warrior termite caste is to defend the colony from attacks. These warriors will occasionally attack other termite colonies, although the primary threat to any termite colony is ants.
Reproductive termites are an integral piece of the colony’s structure. Young reproductive termites, also referred to as alates, are black and winged. When outdoor humidity and moisture levels are correct, both male and female reproductive termites participate in mating swarms, after which they land and shed their wings. These insects then go on to form new colonies, within which they will be reproductive kings and queens.
Considering that termites live in soil and are exposed to a multitude of fungi and predators that can break into the colonies, termites are great survivors. Studies show that queen termites can live up to decades under ideal climate conditions. Workers and soldiers live approximately one to two years.
Termite colonies can persist for the life of the primary queen and beyond, so by the time the primary queen dies, the colony can have quite an expansive territory. For subterranean termites, with the number of members of the colony approaching a million in some species, extensive damage can occur in wood. Scientists today are using DNA analyses to map out the size and territories of colonies. One study has concluded that there are over 20 colonies per acre in some areas. This means that the long-living termite queen can die off, but the secondary reproductive termites and the other colony queens will keep reproduction moving forward.
Termite infestations can be difficult to identify before they have reached full maturity. Because a queen termite’s life can span so many years, populations left unchecked are capable of causing considerable damage to infested structures. These buildings can require extensive repair. Estimates of the termite damage in the U.S. each year exceeds $5 billion.
At the first sign of a termite infestation, arrange for an inspection. Get an estimate for treatment if there is infestation.
Drywood termites cause this types of damages. Please click here
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Thanks for sharing nice information.looking forward to
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Great blog! It was worth the read. I have always been wary of using chemicals on them, and it seems like I have the best solution now.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely going to try out the
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If you have termites in your house, then you need to do something about it. If you ask me, termites can become a huge problem for you, especially if you have no idea what you are doing with it. You have to get a professional to help you. As long as you are aware of this, then you can start doing things to go against it. Go and try to do lots of things from now on, go and eliminate all termites.
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